The Navigation and Numbering Properties menu enables you to manage various navigation and numbering properties in your survey:
- Show/hide progress indicator and page numbers
- Show/hide “Previous” button
- Show/hide survey title
- Show/hide page titles
- Show/hide page numbers
- Show/hide question numbers
The navigation and numbering menu can be found in the Survey Settings menu. You can access this menu by clicking the Settings icon on the My Surveys page for the survey you wish to manage:

Or by clicking the Survey Settings button from the Survey Design page:

Then select “Edit Navigation and Numbering Properties”:

Show/Hide “Previous” Button
To hide the “Previous” button in your survey, and thus prevent respondents from being able to return to previous pages and change answers, you can check the setting titled ‘Hide “Previous” button on survey’ in the navigation and numbering properties menu.
Default Setting:
Hide Previous Button Checked:
Show/Hide Progress Indicator and Page Numbers
The next group of settings in the navigation and numbering properties menu allows you to choose the progress indicator and page numbering in your survey. You can separately configure the progress bar and page numbering.
By default the survey will display the progress bar and page numbers as “Page X of Y”.
Display or Hide Progress Bar
The progress bar appears on the same row as the page title and shows users their current progress in the survey. The progress bar advances based on pages completed, so if one out of five pages is completed, the progress bar will be 20% full. The progress bar does not factor in how many questions are on a page or how long a user is expected to take on a specific question.
Page Numbering
You can also manage whether page numbers are displayed on a page, and how they are displayed. We’ve given some of the options below.
Do Not Display Progress Bar or Page Numbers
If you disable both the progress bar and page numbers, the space will be left blank.
Show/Hide Survey Page Numbers
If you do not want the page number displayed next to the page title, you can hide it by checking the “Hide Survey Page Numbers” setting in the navigation and numbering properties menu. Note that this setting is separate from the page numbers in the progress bar.
Default Setting:
Hide Survey Page Numbers Checked:
Show/Hide Question Numbers
If you wish to hide question numbers in your survey, you can do so by checking the “Hide Question Numbers” setting in the navigation and numbering properties menu. Note that certain question types (message display, image display, video display) are automatically not numbered.
Default Setting:
Hide Question Numbers Checked:
Show/Hide Survey Title
If you do not want the title of your survey displayed to respondents, you can hide it by checking the “Hide Survey Title” setting in the navigation and numbering properties menu.
Default Setting:
Hide Survey Title Checked:
Show/Hide Page Titles
If you do not want the page titles displayed to respondents, you can hide them by checking the “Hide Survey Page Title” setting in the navigation and numbering properties menu. Note that the page number will remain unless you also check the “Hide Survey Page Numbers” box.
Default Setting:
Hide Page Titles Checked: