
This article discusses the different logic operators available for page logic conditions based on questions, quotas, and custom fields. For a complete discussion of page logic, visit our article Add Page Logic to Your Survey.

Logic Operators – Questions

is exactly equal toIf this operator is used, the condition will be true if the respondent selects ONLY the answer choice or choices that are specified. If one answer is specified, the respondent must choose exactly that answer (e.g. for multi-answer questions they cannot choose that answer AND another answer) for the condition to return true. If more than one answer is specified, the respondent’s answer must match those answer choices exactly.
is equal to any ofThe condition will be true if the respondent selects ANY of the answer choices specified.
is exactly not equal toThe condition will be true if NONE or ANY (but not ALL) of the answer choices specified are selected by the respondent.
is not equal to any ofThe condition will be true if the respondent selects NONE of the answer choices specified. If you specify several answer choices and the respondent chooses one of them (by itself or along with other answer choices), the condition will return false and the action will not be completed.
did not provide a responseThe condition will be true if the respondent does not provide any response to the question.
provided any responseThe condition will be true if the respondent provides any valid response to the question. Note that if you use fields with validation (e.g. numeric-only fields or an email field), the system will already prevent them from submitting invalid responses.
containsThe condition will be true if the response contains the specified sequence of characters.
does not containThe condition will be true if the response does not contain the specified sequence of characters.
begins withThe condition will be true if the response begins with the specified sequence of characters.
ends withThe condition will be true if the response ends with the specified sequence of characters.
is greater thanThe condition will be true if the respondent provides a value that is greater than the value specified.
is greater than or equal toThe condition will be true if the respondent provides a value that is greater than or equal to the value specified.
is less thanThe condition will be true if the respondent provides a value that is less than the value specified.
is less than or equal toThe condition will be true if the respondent provides a value that is less than or equal to the value specified.

Different question types have different logic operators available. Below is a complete list of question types that can be used in page logic, as well as which operators are available for each:

Question TypeSupported Operators
– Choice – One Answer Dropdown Menu
– Choice – One Answer Option Buttons or Rating Scale
– Choice – Multiple Answer Checkboxes
– Choice – Yes/No or True/False
– Points Question – One Answer Option Buttons
– Points Question – Multiple Answer Checkboxes
– Matrix – Rating Scale : One Answer Per Row (Option Buttons)
– Matrix – Multiple Options Per Row (Checkboxes)
– Matrix – Conjoint Analysis Question
is exactly equal to
is exactly not equal to
is equal to any of
is not equal to any of
did not provide a response
provided any response
– Matrix – Multiple Text Boxes Per Row
– Open Ended – Comments Box
– Open Ended – One Comment Line
– Open Ended – One or More Comment Lines
– Open Ended – One or More Lines with Different Types of Data
– Contact Information – Name, Address, Email, Phone, etc.
does not contain
begins with
ends with
did not provide a response
provided any response
– Open Ended – Numeric
– Open Ended – Ranking of Items
– Sum of All Values Equals a Particular Number
is exactly equal to
is exactly not equal to
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
begins with
ends with
did not provide a response
provided any response

Note: Question types that do not allow respondent input (e.g. message display, image display, video/audio, and file upload) cannot be used in page logic.

Logic Operators – Quotas

is metThe condition will be true if the quota limit (specified in the quotas menu) has been met.
is not metThe condition will be true if the quota limit (specified in the quotas menu) has not been met.
is exactly equal toThe condition will be true if the response count (1) is exactly equal to the value specified.
is less thanThe condition will be true if the response count (1) is less than the value specified.
is less than or equal toThe condition will be true if the response count (1) is less than or equal to the value specified.
is greater thanThe condition will be true if the response count (1) is greater than the value specified.
is greater than or equal toThe condition will be true if the response count (1) is greater than or equal to the value specified.
1. Response count is the number of responses that have met the quota conditions. For example, if your quota limit is 50 responses from female respondents, the response count would be the number of submitted surveys from female respondents at the time the page logic is evaluated.

Logic Operators – Custom Fields

Since custom fields are by definition open-ended (you can enter any characters when setting up the email list), the operators available for Custom Fields are limited to the open-ended operators available with question-based logic:

containsThe condition will be true if the respondent’s custom field value contains the specified sequence of characters.
does not containThe condition will be true if the respondent’s custom field value does not contain the specified sequence of characters.
is exactly equal toThe condition will be true if the respondent’s custom field value matches exactly the value specified.
is exactly not equal toThe condition will be true if the respondent’s custom field value does not exactly match the value specified.
begins withThe condition will be true if the respondent’s custom field value begins with the specified sequence of characters.
ends withThe condition will be true if the respondent’s custom field value ends with the specified sequence of characters.