SurveyMethods enables you to create and launch anonymous surveys to guarantee privacy to your respondents, resulting in more candid and useful responses. When you create a survey and make it anonymous, the setting is permanent for that survey and cannot be changed. When a respondent clicks on the survey link for an anonymous survey launched […]
Articles Tagged: page logic
Panel Integration
Overview With panel integration you can distribute your survey through a panel company in order to gather a desired number of responses from people that fit certain demographic criteria. Panel companies typically provide 3 URLs for the survey to redirect to depending on the category respondents fall into: Complete and Redirect to Website Disqualified and […]
Survey Quotas
Overview A quota is a limit on the number of responses for your survey that fit a specified set of criteria. They enable survey administrators to gather a desired number of responses from different groups of respondents, and enable you receive the desired mix of responses (e.g. equal responses from each age group, gender, or […]
Deactivating or Deleting Page Logic
Page logic conditions and actions are set up in the page logic menu as “groups”. If you would like to remove one or more page logic groups, you have two options – you can delete each one (permanent) or deactivate each one (remains in the survey and can be reactivated later). To deactivate a page […]
Logic Operators
Overview This article discusses the different logic operators available for page logic conditions based on questions, quotas, and custom fields. For a complete discussion of page logic, visit our article Add Page Logic to Your Survey. Logic Operators – Questions Operator Description is exactly equal to If this operator is used, the condition will be […]
Page Logic Conditions
Note: this section discusses conditions you can use within page logic in SurveyMethods. For a complete overview on creating and managing page logic, visit our help article on Page Logic. Conditions are the “if” part of the “if…then…” structure of page logic. These are criteria that you want to test, and only if the respondent […]