The SurveyMethods launch wizard takes you through the email distribution or web URL launch methods. You can use the web URL to embed the survey on your website, but we also make it easy by providing the code to embed the survey using JavaScript or an HTML iframe. This feature can be found in several […]
Articles Tagged: surveys
Advanced Email Lists
SurveyMethods provides two types of mailing lists – basic email lists and advanced email lists. Advanced email lists are lists of email addresses that include up to 5 custom fields, which are additional information attached to the email that can be used in customizing your email or message display, creating page logic, analyzing your data, […]
Basic Email Lists
SurveyMethods provides two types of mailing lists – basic email lists and advanced email lists. Basic email lists are simple lists of emails, with no other identifying information. To create a new basic email list, first go to the mailing list menu by clicking the “Mailing Lists” link on the main navigation bar. Then click […]
Web URL Deployment
To launch your survey by web URL, click the launch icon () from the My Surveys page to be taken through the survey launch wizard. You will be taken to the launch menu and can choose to launch via email or to deploy the survey using a web URL. Before you launch your survey, you […]
Launch Your Survey by Email
To launch your survey by email, click the launch icon () from the My Surveys page to be taken through the survey launch wizard. You will be taken to the launch menu and can choose to launch via email or to deploy the survey using a web URL. Before you launch your survey, you will […]
Survey Launch Wizard
Once you’ve finished designing your survey and are ready to launch it, you can click the launch icon () from the My Surveys page to be taken through the survey launch wizard. You’ll first be asked to choose one of the two launch methods: Email Deployment Web URL Deployment These methods are not mutually exclusive […]
Schedule Automatic Reminders for Events
When you create an event registration survey, the SurveyMethods application will take you through a 5-step wizard to create your event and add it to your survey. Step 5 of the event registration wizard is to schedule automatic reminders for your events. Additionally, you can access the automatic reminders page from the survey settings menu. […]