SurveyMethods polls allow you to choose whether respondents can vote once or more than once on your poll, using the Manage Repeat Voting setting. This setting appears on the bottom left side of the Poll Design page.
To edit this setting, first log in to your SurveyMethods account and navigate to the My Polls page by clicking “Polls” on the navigation bar. Then either create a new poll or click the Edit icon of the poll whose settings you want to change.
If you want users to be able to take your poll multiple times, select the “Enable repeat voting” option. If you want to prevent users from taking your pull more than once, select “Block repeat voting with message below”.
You can customize the message that is displayed to respondents who return to the poll after voting.
To customize other messages, visit our article on Poll Language Packs.
For more information on SurveyMethods Polls, visit the SurveyMethods Polls help article.