Once you have launched your survey, SurveyMethods shows you real-time response statistics, including the status, launch date, close date (if applicable), total survey takers, and median response time. You can also see how many respondents were from the web launch and email launch, split between partial and complete responses.
You can view and manage the email invitees from the manage survey menu or the analyze survey menu. To reach these, you can click on the Manage icon () or the Analyze icon (
) on the My Surveys page.
At the top of either menu you will see the survey response statistics and the right section shows the email deployment status.
You can click the Manage Email Invitees link to view and manage your email invitee list.
The list will show you all email addresses that were invited along with their status (not responded, partially responded, complete response, or opted out of receiving emails). You can search the list using the “Show addresses that contain” field and also filter by status or survey URL (if using the Custom URL feature). You can display custom fields using the custom fields dropdown box in the third column.
On the right side you have various actions you can take:
Resend survey invitation
Opt out the email address
Opt in the email address
View the complete invitee information
Delete the user’s response (NOTE: the deletion is permanent)
You can also delete, opt out, opt in, or resend invitations to multiple users at once by clicking the checkboxes on the left and using the buttons across the top.
To send the survey to additional invitees, see our separate help article titled Send Survey to Additional Respondents.